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Journal 4: Fate


I firmly believe that everything–good or bad–happens for a reason and that all of our lives are connected in some way. There are many times when something took place in my life and I later realized exactly why it had to happen. You may not always observe these relationships in your own life, because you can definitely impact other people too. I am also superstitious and I find myself agreeing with some of the concepts in quizzes, horoscopes, or the fortunes in fortune cookies. However, I think that they’re not true in themselves and instead, they’re part of a larger circle of fate. You can find things that may be insignificant or really important, but they all contribute to forming your understanding of yourself and the world around you. I wouldn’t want to get my fortune told, however, because in my opinion, it matters more to make your own path through life instead of one that is influenced by what you think could happen. You will discover or learn whatever you need to along the way.

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