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Macbeth Noir

The most ordinary things can be powerful and have great meaning if we look at them in a different way. With Macbeth Noir, I was able to...

Macbeth Custom Color Palette

Spoiled–Lady Macbeth The name of this palette encompasses Lady Macbeth’s life during the time of the play. She had her moment of victory,...

Sketchnote: Why We Should Read Macbeth

*I was absent at the time that this activity was done together as a class. Upon research before reading, phrases such as “Fair is foul...

Proust Questionnaire & Reflection

__1.__What is your idea of perfect happiness? Being perfectly happy with whatever is in your life at the moment. __2.__What is your...


I chose a quote from Julia in 1984. “If you kept the small rules, you could break the big ones.” To me, this quote symbolizes Julia in...

Blogpost #2: Shakespearean Neologisms

1) My Shakespearean insult — Thou frothy, dizzy-eyed giglet ! *This reminds me of the feeling when you laugh so hard that you can’t stop...

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