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Journal: Be A Man!

There are many similarities in the standards set for men in Macbeth’s time as compared to those of today. However, I feel like our world...

Journal: Signifying Nothing

Life is everything and nothing. It has no physical form to be compared to because it is unlike anything else. But it’s in everything we...

Journal: Imagiphor

Image 1: Fluffy This image perfectly represents my break because it evokes a feeling of warmth and coziness. One of my favorite things to...

Journal 5: Macbeth Film Reflection

1. Read the two existing reviews above and compare/contrast. What things do you agree or disagree with, after having seen the film? The...

Journal 7: A Modern Macbeth

A person whom I find strikingly similar to Macbeth in his changing motives and progression throughout life is Hitler. Hitler is widely...

Journal 4: Fate

I firmly believe that everything–good or bad–happens for a reason and that all of our lives are connected in some way. There are many...

Journal 1

This isn‘t something that took place directly in my life but it’s a story my mom told me. My parents had lived in Burma their whole...

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