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Journal: Be A Man!

There are many similarities in the standards set for men in Macbeth’s time as compared to those of today. However, I feel like our world...

Journal: Signifying Nothing

Life is everything and nothing. It has no physical form to be compared to because it is unlike anything else. But it’s in everything we...

Macbeth & Earth Day Poems (Iambic and Trochaic)

Earth Day Trochaic Poem Look at how the Earth has changed Plants and animals waste away Foggy cities dirty water Plastic oceans and...

Journal: Imagiphor

Image 1: Fluffy This image perfectly represents my break because it evokes a feeling of warmth and coziness. One of my favorite things to...

Journal 5: Macbeth Film Reflection

1. Read the two existing reviews above and compare/contrast. What things do you agree or disagree with, after having seen the film? The...

Journal 7: A Modern Macbeth

A person whom I find strikingly similar to Macbeth in his changing motives and progression throughout life is Hitler. Hitler is widely...

Journal 4: Fate

I firmly believe that everything–good or bad–happens for a reason and that all of our lives are connected in some way. There are many...

Journal 1

This isn‘t something that took place directly in my life but it’s a story my mom told me. My parents had lived in Burma their whole...

Journal 2: Things Are Not What They Seem

Often, we are quick to judge something based on what we think we know about it. This leads us to form opinions, and sometimes, close our...

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