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  • maymonthein

Journal: Signifying Nothing

Updated: Apr 28, 2019

Life is everything and nothing. It has no physical form to be compared to because it is unlike anything else. But it’s in everything we do. It is all that we are and the reason you feel the way you do and experience what you did good or bad. It is the reason I wrote this and why you are reading this now. It is the reason you will wake up tomorrow and do whatever you do which might be different from what I do at the same time. I don’t think there is a way to pin life down. It moves and flows in ways you don’t understand. It could sweep you away from something and then bring you to something else that you didn’t even know you needed. But above all, it will take you to wherever you need to be at the right time. You might not always realize it, but in the future you will. Life takes different forms for all of us, yet it is what binds us all together.

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